Happy New Year!!!

Greetings Shire and friends beyond our borders,

First I want to welcome our present day Summits Prince Finn Grim Baneson, and Prince Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia! May their reign be filled with much growth and entertainment!

I want to welcome all to participate in service, in practice, and in creation! We are looking forward to the next couple of months. In our local Shire we have consistent scribal meetings on Monday’s at 5pm in McMinnville; heavy fighting practice and art & science activities on Thursday’s at 6pm in Newberg.

Event highlights are: (Check out the Kingdom Calendar for more details)

January events: 12th Night Kingdom Coronation and then Ursulmas, both in Washington; as well as Adiantum’s Midwinter Feast in Oregon.
February events Summits Festival of the Arts and Dragon’s Mist Carnivale both in Oregon.
March events: Kingdom A&S/Rapier Tournament in 3Mtns, Adiantum’s Birthday Bash, Summits Spring March Coronet, all three are in Oregon;
April events: Several scribal, bardics, and feasts events to look up.
OUR Shire of Mountain Edge will hold our Spring Defenders: Rapier and Heavy Fighting: Saturday April 20th, all day. HL Layla as Autocrat.

In our meetings we are discussing details about Acorn War in the fall.
Come join us every 4th Monday Zoom Shire meeting 6-7p.m.. Find the link in the website calendar.